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Michelle Taylor
Owner & Founder
My Story
As a child, I was very curious about the world and also inspired by its beauty. Spending time in nature - the woods, the ocean, and everything outdoors is the way that I refresh my own spirit. Doing creative things is another opportunity to create a sense of inner peace. Bringing these experiences to others is what drives me. Depending upon a person's experience, the path taken may vary. Counseling is a way of talking to another objective, nonjudgmental person to learn new ways of thinking about and doing things. Engaging in art and creative activity has an equally powerful effect. These explorations can lead us to finding healing, meaning, or just having fun. It can also bring us together. I see myself as a facilitator of these experiences for all individuals, not only for those coping with behavioral health challenges. Since each person is unique, there are many ways of engaging with these opportunities.
I am a wife and mother of two adult children. These roles shape and enrich me. For nine years, I taught high school biological science. While teaching and working with youth was a joy, my personal journey led me unexpectedly to behavioral health, where I have worked for the last 24 years. Supporting individuals to navigate their own challenges is my mission. My sense of spirituality is another important influence. I believe that whatever resources and talents given to us are meant to be shared with others.
The Art of You is FOR you. Come visit us. Share with us what you like, what you need. Together, we will embark on a journey of creative exploration. Who knows where that will take us?

Anne-Marie Senior
My Story
Hi my name is Anne-Marie Senior and I’m the Director at The Art of You. My background is very diverse but I think this makes me a well rounded individual to work in this new and exciting environment where we will be crossing counseling with art. My personal interests include: ceramics, paper crafts, music, Zumba and hiking/walking. I have been married to my wonderful hubby, Bill, for 25 years. We are cat lovers and currently are down to one cat, Phineas. We have 3 beautiful nieces and 2 wonderful nephews who range from 3 years old to 28 years old and we love all of them beyond words. We spend a lot of time with them and when we have family time, it’s usually centered on doing some type of art projects.
First and foremost about me, I am a DIY junkie. I love anything I can make myself and the cheaper the better. I love the challenge of trying to make something that I saw that was for sale at an expensive store and re-creating it for less. During my previous careers, I have worked with children who were placed in a temporary shelter due to their environment not being safe. I needed to ensure that I could keep these children safe, while at the same time keeping them comfortable. Art has always played a big part working with these types of situations because most kids can relate to coloring and doing art projects. It gives them a focus so they can start to relax and feel comfortable in their temporary environment.
I did medical billing while working for an agency and this is where I gained a lot of my experience working with medical records and being able to bill for services rendered by the clinicians.
I worked as a General Manager for a real estate company which had three offices. My creativity was put to use when houses needed to be staged for photos or an agent needed assistance with selecting photos for listings.
Also in my last job as an IT Project Manager, I work with individuals who were developmentally disabled. It was amazing to me how talented these individuals were and how proud they were when they created their art work. The agency I worked for created a store in which the individuals could sell their art work and it was so amazing.
I truly believe that when people have an outlet like art, regardless of what type it is, it makes them feel better and it puts them in a better head space which helps them deal with everyday life. I feel that The Art of You is a welcoming environment where people will want to come and be creative regardless of age, ability or capacity. I look forward to meeting all of you and having fun with you, creating whatever you can imagine!!!